Our vision

OuiActive, actively involved !

At OuiActive, what matters most is you. That’s why we created this application because we want education to be accessible to everyone !


This was the event that turned the educational world upside down. Schools all over the world were closed for long periods of time and education was at risk more than ever. It is at times like these that OuiActive wants to protect what is most important to the youth of the world: education. It is important to note that this crisis has left its mark by depriving students of many learning opportunities. This crisis seems to be behind us, schools are open and operations are back to normal…

But at OuiActive, we are driven by the fight against inequalities and we want to offer the same opportunities for success to all. Do you think that all students had the chance to enjoy school learning moments with their parents when Covid prevented us from going to school? In a more general, current way, do you think that a student who cannot afford private tutoring has as much chance of success as one who has access to a private tutor? This is what motivates our team…

OuiActive is about offering the opportunity to succeed academically, and that is accessible to ALL.